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Second part of the day

So I give up on getting the machine to boot off a SCSI disk while it
has the IDE disk installed.  (Maybe I could do this with LILO; hmm,
hadn't thought of that.)  So, think I, I'll install the driver for the
BusLogic card.  But the driver on the floppies that came with the card
is for NT 3.51.  (And I can't look on the Windows NT CD because the
CD-ROM drive is attached to the SCSI controller.)  So, think I, I'll
download it from the BusLogic web site.

Well, I have no web browser, except for MSIE.  But the Sun has KDE
installed.  kfm tells me that www.buslogic.com is some stupid spam
website; AltaVista gives me refs that say to go to www.mylex.com.  Oh,
OK -- Mylex bought BusLogic; I forgot.  So I go to Mylex's site;
evidently you need JavaScript to navigate their lists of links.

OK, so I view source.  But kedit isn't installed, so view source
doesn't work.  I write a shell-script kedit; unfortunately the
parameter being passed to kedit is the URL of the web page, not a name
of a local file.  (I shouldn't be surprised by this, I guess.)  I don't
know how to fetch the file from kfm.

OK, I'll download Netscape from www.netscape.com.  Oops; kfm messes
up.  I end up saving a file containing only the line, "The browser sent
a message the server could not understand."

OK, I'll download Netscape with ncftp from ftp.netscape.com.  Then I
can ftp it onto the NT machine.  (Good thing we have a T1; Netscape is
almost 16 megabytes.)

<kragen@pobox.com>       Kragen Sitaker     <http://www.pobox.com/~kragen/>
Thu Sep 09 1999
60 days until the Internet stock bubble bursts on Monday, 1999-11-08.