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this morning

Last night I got to bed quite late, perhaps 23:30, because of long
talks with Marilyn and the watching of Drew Carey.

Slept until past 08:00, got up, took a shower, ate breakfast at
McDonald's, and still arrived at work before 10:00.  Not that it
mattered; I haven't accomplished anything of note since arriving here.

I think I will purchase a soundcard at last; I want to do the
SpeakFreely stuff.  So I have printed out the relevant section of the
ALSA FAQ (http://www.alsa-project.org/~jfulmer/alsa-faq.html) and plan
a sojourn to Best Buy during lunch.

(Back from Best Buy; got an Ensoniq AudioPCI, which was highly
recommended on the alsa-users archive at www.mail-archive.whatever..
maybe now I can use Speak Freely.)

(My co-worker John Bognar published some papers on how something siilar
to Snappy works.  Maybe I can implement them.)

<kragen@pobox.com>       Kragen Sitaker     <http://www.pobox.com/~kragen/>
Tue Sep 28 1999
43 days until the Internet stock bubble bursts on Monday, 1999-11-08.