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thanksgiving day

Woke up relatively early this morning after hours of nightmares about
fighting zombies, ghosts, and vampires, using machine guns, shotguns,
and knives.  (I killed James Buchanan's ghost.  As he died (again) he
said he saw his master and he was studying number theory.)

Got rental car; rental car agency head is Iraqi and had a Qur'an verse
in elaborate calligraphy on his window, and numerous interesting pieces
of currency on his desk (under glass).  Petted the watchdog, reportedly
an unpredictable Rottweiler who is due to whelp a litter any day now.
She was very sweet to me, which is a good thing -- she could surely
tear me limb from limb if she thought I was a threat.

Went over to visit Greg and Paula; met Skylar's iguana Whipper.
Chatted and hugged, mostly, and got iguana claw marks on my wrist.

Thanksgiving dinner was at Carolyn's house; turkey, stuffing, mashed
potatoes, gravy, corn, and cranberry stuff.

Chatted with Jay and Ben; I plan to see them both on Saturday.  (Busy
day planned.) Perhaps I can even attend Jay's Thanksgiving dinner.

Pat was watching videos of torture and executions in Chechnya.  The
videos saddened me, and him too, apparently.  I showed Pat alt.tasteless.

Serafina painted my fingernails orange and yellow.

<kragen@pobox.com>       Kragen Sitaker     <http://www.pobox.com/~kragen/>
The Internet stock bubble didn't burst on 1999-11-08.  Hurrah!