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last few weeks

Been hacking code to test change-detection of landsat images, correct
for simulated imperfections in simulated imaging spectrometers, and chop
up C source code.  (My first attempt at a regex to find comments in C
reliably crashes Perl, both 5.004 something and 5.005_03.)

Visited my family in New Mexico a couple of weekends ago; my
grandparents had their fiftieth wedding anniversary.  Met lots of people
I had met once long ago, but had forgotten about since.  Saw cousins and
friends I hadn't seen in a while.  Had a terrific time.

Marilyn and I have a dog now.  His name is Mandy.  We've been trying to
train him not to pee in the house.

We've been trying to learn to get along.

Been hacking fun stuff at home, too.  Some of it has shown up on
kragen-hacks, much hasn't.

Brad came over last weekend; we chatted about perl2jvm, large ants,
naturalness of path separators, etc.

I am feeling like something needs to change rapidly.  I'm not sure what;
I'm just very dissatisfied.

Went over to Bruce & Sherry's tonight.  We went to see a movie and had
dinner, and chatted a bit.

I've been reading about unstructured databases.  I've got this
theoretical paper from SIGMOD '96 that talks about query languages and
computability and optimization; I've read it twice and I still don't
understand the most important parts.