Why John Backus Was on the Wrong Track

This document is unfinished.

So I’ve been reading John Backus’s Turing Award paper from 1977 [Backus 1977], and a lot of the assertions he makes therein seem dubious to me. Perhaps this is a little unfair, since von Neumann computers are now 60 years old, and were only 30 years old when Backus wrote; and much of the interesting stuff in the intervening 30 years has been elaboration on Backus’s ideas. And I’m just some wanker, while Backus was a Turing Award winner, so probably whatever I can say here is pretty obvious now; but quite a bit of it was anticipated by Dijkstra’s EWD-692 response immediately afterwards.

According to Eliezer Yudkowsky, Max Gluckman once said: “A science is any discipline in which the fool of this generation can go beyond the point reached by the genius of the last generation.”

So maybe this article is a demonstration that computer programming is a science.

Still, I thought it would be useful to collect 30 years of perspective on the very influential ideas he expresses in this paper.


Backus’s initial complaint about the obesity of von Neumann languages was myopic, coming as it did on the heels of five years of remarkable innovation in the invention of small von Neumann languages. Although he correctly identifies “word-at-a-time thinking” as a serious obstacle to good programming, its cure is garbage collection, not the removal of the assignment statement.

The point-free style he advocates could have been adopted a decade or more before he wrote his paper, but it wasn’t, apparently because programs in that style are fucking hard to read. Many languages available today reduce the problems he identified with von Neumann languages of the time, as illustrated by his inner product example, but without using that point-free style; some of those languages were already available when he wrote, but were not in the mainstream.

Most people who have commented on the paper don’t seem to have read most of the meat of the paper, probably because it’s badly presented. I suggest another order of presentation that I think makes them easier.

Backus’s pessimism that formal semantics would make von Neumann languages more tractable was wrong, although this is in part because those languages have been redesigned over the years to be analytically tractable. Similarly, his assertion that the word-at-a-time nature of von Neumann languages makes them non-extensible is both unsupported and simply mistaken, as illustrated by ample counterexamples from his time and our own.

Myopia About Existing Languages

Backus: “Each successive language incorporates, with a little cleaning up, all the features of its predecessors plus a few more. Some languages have manuals exceeding 500 pages; others cram a complex description into shorter manuals by using dense formalisms. . . . For twenty years programming languages have been steadily progressing toward their present condition of obesity; as a result, the study and invention of programming languages has lost much of its excitement.”

The C programming language was already in use at Bell Labs and a few universities when he wrote this, although Kernighan and Ritchie’s manual (120 pages, I think?) didn’t come out until, I think, the next year. C is not a minimal language, but as K&R says, it demonstrates that a language that doesn’t have everything can be easier to use than those that do. Other smallish languages in use in 1977 — almost all substantially created during the previous five years — included BLISS-10 and BLISS-11, Scheme [Sussman 1975], Prolog, Smalltalk, and, of course, Forth, which is perhaps the ultimate in simplicity of mechanism among high-level languages.

Backus does say, in the next paragraph, “Since large increases in size bring only small increases in power, smaller, more elegant languages such as Pascal continue to be popular.” But I think this dramatically understates the reality of 1977, as seen from 2007; there had been a renaissance in small, elegant languages over the several years immediately preceding Backus’s paper, languages whose simplicity, elegance, and power has kept many of them in use until the present day. Some of them were not widely known at the time, but perhaps Backus’s disgust owes more to overexposure to PL/1, which had been standardized the previous year after 13 years of drafts, and to Algol 68, than to a paucity of alternatives.

Dijkstra makes a similar comment in EWD-692:

He writes that “smaller, more elegant languages than Pascal continue to be popular”, where in the case of Pascal “rapidly gaining in popularity” would be more accurate.

The Intellectual von Neumann Bottleneck Isn’t

Backus says, “Not only is the tube [between the processor and memory] a literal bottleneck for the data traffic of a problem, but, more importantly, it is an intellectual bottleneck that has kept us tied to word-at-a-time thinking instead of encouraging us to think in terms of the larger conceptual units of the task at hand.”

This is necessarily true of programs for the Altair 8800, which shipped with 256 bytes of memory and could run Altair BASIC in 4096 bytes, or an un-upgraded Apple ][, which I think had shipped around the time of Backus’s talk. But, as demonstrated by APL, the various FP and FL systems that came after this paper, and the “Lambda: The Ultimate” series of papers around the same time, the limitation is not really imposed by the hardware architecture; it takes some cleverness but not a huge amount of code to allow those single words to represent the larger conceptual units in question.

In a sense, McCarthy’s 1960 Lisp article that Backus cites also showed this — or rather, the Lisp implementation that followed it in the next few months. That Lisp (modulo its bugs and its dynamic scoping, which had to be papered over with the FUNARGS (XXX?) form) was capable of more or less directly implementing all of the primitive functions and functional forms that Backus presents in this paper.

His sample program from section 5.2 is:

Def Innerproduct = (Insert +)o(ApplyToAll ×)o Transpose


Def IP = (/+)o(α ×)o Trans.

where “o” is the function composition operator, “×” multiplication, and “α” the alpha he uses for ApplyToAll. We can define the operations needed to write this quite concisely in modern Scheme, with lists for vectors, as follows. (Remember that Backus’s functions are to be applied to a single argument which is a vector of its arguments.)

(define (plus args) (apply + args))
(define (x args) (apply * args))
(define (o f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x))))
; Note that this implementation doesn't discover whether its
; argument has a unit so that it can do the right thing in the
; case of an empty vector.
(define (insert fn) 
  (lambda (args) (if (null? (cdr args)) (car args)
                     (fn `(,(car args) 
                           ,((insert fn) (cdr args)))))))
(define (alpha fn)
  (lambda (args) (if (null? args) '()
                     `(,(fn (car args)) . 
                       ,((alpha fn) (cdr args))))))
(define (transpose1 heads tails)
  (if (null? tails) '()
      (cons (cons (car heads) (car tails))
            (transpose1 (cdr heads) (cdr tails)))))
(define (transpose0 lst)
  (if (null? lst) '() (cons '() (transpose0 (cdr lst)))))
(define (transpose lst)
  (transpose1 (car lst) (if (null? (cdr lst)) (transpose0 (car lst))
                            (transpose (cdr lst)))))
(define ip (o (o (insert plus) (alpha x)) transpose))
(begin (display (ip '((1 2 3) (6 5 4)))) (newline))  ; outputs "28"

You will notice that the definition of “ip” here is identical to the one from Backus’s paper, except for being in prefix order with parentheses. This code makes heavy use of closures, but with some cost in readability could use the Lisp 1.5 FUNARGS (XXX?) form instead, and similarly quasiquotation could be replaced with explicit calls to “cons”. Maybe it would be 30 lines of code instead of 22. (I don’t have a Lisp 1.5 implementation handy to test on, so I can’t say for sure.)

So, however tied we may have been to “word-at-a-time thinking” in the first 30 years of von Neumann computers, there had been systems in use since 1964 or so that could express Backus’s functional forms in a few lines of code each.

And APL had already shown some of the way from the mid-1960s on. While APL expressions’ values were internally represented as pointers, they were presented to the user in a very non-word-at-a-time fashion; and indeed, in many cases, they represented finite maps with domains of integers less than some limit, or integer pairs, and so on.

And, of course, Church’s SK-combinators (which Backus mentions in his paper) are straightforward to implement even in ancient Lisp, sufficient to express any computable function, support the writing of higher-order functions, and don’t name their arguments. (But I think the first efficient implementations of SK-combinators on computers, using graph reduction instead of tree reduction, either did not precede Backus’s paper by much, or actually followed it.) XXX find out, asshole

So why had programming with higher-order functions that don’t name their arguments — what we now call “point-free style” — not taken off in the 1960s? Was it really because programmers were too tied to “word-at-a-time thinking”? That doesn’t seem plausible to me.

The alternative I suggest — after 40 years of our collective experience with “point-free style” in Forth, as well as 30 years in languages inspired by this very paper, languages such as Miranda, Haskell, and ML, plus more than 50 years of APL one-liners that are nearly point-free — is that while point-free programs are indeed much easier to “refactor” (i.e. perform semantics-preserving transformations on), they are fucking hard to read, maybe because they’re too abstract.

This is based not only on my own limited experience, but the experiences of other hackers who have spent years programming in point-free style. Even the HaskellWiki Pointfree page [HaskellWiki Pointfree] admits that it can sometimes be hard to read:

Point-free style can (clearly) lead to Obfuscation when used unwisely. As higher-order functions are chained together, it can become harder to mentally infer the types of expressions. The mental cues to an expression’s type (explicit function arguments, and the number of arguments) go missing.

Point-free style often times leads to code which is difficult to modify. A function written in a pointfree style may have to be radically changed to make minor changes in functionality. This is because the function becomes more complicated than a composition of lambdas and other functions, and compositions must be changed to application for a pointful function.

Perhaps these are why pointfree style is sometimes (often?) referred to as pointless style.

(However, other parts of the same page advocate point-free style as “clearer”, “cleaner”, and “good discipline”.)

Today’s Programs for Inner Product

So today, the state of the art (due largely to work in languages inspired by Backus’s paper) is something like this Python program:

def innerproduct(a, b): return sum(ai * bi for ai, bi in zip(a, b))

Which compares favorably to Backus’s 1977 “von Neumann program for Inner Product”:

c := 0
for i := 1 step 1 until n do
  c := c + a[i] × b[i]

(This could be translated to C as follows, gaining a bit of clarity but not changing in any substantial way:)

c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) c += a[i] * b[i];

Backus lists seven undesirable properties of this program:

a) Its statements operate on an invisible “state” according to complex rules.

This is not really true of the Python program above. Although it is a user-visible feature that the expression (ai*bi for ai, bi in zip(a, b)) results in a stateful iterator that eventually runs out of values, this program does not make use of that property.

The rules that govern the evaluation of the program are more complex than those of Backus’s FP, though.

b) It is not hierarchical. Except for the right side of the assignment statement, it does not construct complex entities from simpler ones.

Actually, the assignment statement contains four nested compound expressions, made out of five atomic variables and one another. The Python program contains zip(a, b), ai * bi, the generator expression, and the sum expression — exactly the same number; but perhaps zip(a, b) and the generator expression would be more to Backus’s liking, since they express exactly the return values of the Trans and (α ×) operations in his functional IP program.

c) It is dynamic and repetitive. One must mentally execute it to understand it.

This is not true of this Python program, although it is true of many Python programs. Incidentally, this is exactly Guido van Rossum’s reason for wanting to remove Backus’s “insert”, called reduce, from Python [van Rossum XXX] — he finds he has to mentally execute the reduction process to understand it.

d) It computes word-at-a-time by repetition (of the assignment) and by modification (of variable i).

This is true of the actual execution of the Python program, as it is of the execution of Backus’s FP programs or any other programs on a von Neumann machine; but if you try to interpret it as a statement about the user-level semantics of the code, it reduces to criticism (c).

e) Part of the data, n, is in the program; thus it lacks generality and works only for vectors of length n.

Not true of the Python program.

f) It names its arguments; it can only be used for vectors a and b. To become general, it requires a procedure declaration. These involve complex issues (e.g. call-by-name versus call-by-value.)

Almost as true of the Python program as of the C version; in fact, the procedure declaration constitutes fully half of my program as written.

“Call-by-name” here refers to evaluating procedure parameters when their values are needed, rather than before entering the procedure; it’s like lazy evaluation, but may evaluate the procedure parameter more than once. In effect, this allows you to construct any arbitrary zero-argument closure, called a “thunk”, subject to the limitations of what you can express in an expression in the language in question.

In the cases where the parameter will always evaluate to the same value, it is therefore just a gratuitously inefficient version of lazy evaluation; in the cases where it can evaluate to different values, its value therefore depends on some information that could be thought of as a parameter to the thunk, but which generally needs to be passed in by mutating some apparently-unrelated variable, and so in those cases, it is just a gratuitously bug-prone version of a general closure facility (limited to passing the closures downward through the stack).

“Call-by-name” was therefore replaced by a combination of call-by-reference and a general closure facility, albeit one limited to “downward funargs”, in Pascal (XXX did Algol-60 have downward funargs? I think so); and C and most languages designed since then have simply stuck to call-by-value. So, although call-by-name does indeed involve complex issues, it should have been an irrelevancy long before 1977, and merely adding procedure declarations to your language does not imply that your semantics will suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous call-by-name.

XXX sometimes people say “call-by-name” when they mean “lazy evaluation”; maybe that’s what Backus meant?

(Of the other languages I’ve used or mentioned in this note, C, Scheme, Python, Smalltalk-80, APL, OCaml, 1960 Lisp, Miranda, Haskell, ML, and Forth just use call-by-value; Perl 5 just uses call-by-reference; C++ has both call-by-value and call-by-reference; Algol 60 has both call-by-value and call-by-name; Prolog uses something else entirely; Altair BASIC didn’t have procedures; I’m not sure about BLISS-10 and BLISS-11; Lisp 1.5 had call-by-value and, I think, also FEXPRs; I think Smalltalk-72 did something vaguely FEXPR-like; and PL/1 and (I think) Algol 68, consistent with the rest of the language design, have every horrifying deformed argument-passing convention you can imagine.)

However, the distinction between call-by-value and call-by-name includes another complexity — strictness. A function “f” is strict in some parameter if it can’t compute its return value without getting the value of that parameter. Backus calls this property “bottom-preserving”, and not having procedure declarations has not saved him from strictness; throughout the paper there are a number of minor logical errors having to do with this particular extra complexity.

Backus implies that procedure declarations import some other complexities that he hasn’t mentioned; the ones I can think of are variable scoping (lexical vs. dynamic vs. broken) and the creation of closures (downward-only or generalized; interchangeability with non-closure function pointers; etc.).

This absence of variables is the central difference, as I read it, between Backus’s proposed programming system and most of the purely applicative systems that preceded it: unlike them, it doesn’t have lambda substitution. It is interesting to note that nearly all of the systems inspired by Backus’s paper over the ensuing 30 years have acquired lambda substitution rather quickly.

g) Its “housekeeping” operations are represented by symbols in scattered places (in the for statement and the subscripts in the assignment). This makes it impossible to consolidate housekeeping operations, the most common of all, into single, powerful, widely used operators.

This is still somewhat true of the generator expression (... for ... in ...) but not the sum and zip operations. Backus never defines “housekeeping” anywhere in his paper, but as additional examples, he gives function composition, matrix transposition, apply-to-all, and “insert”, more commonly known as “reduce” or “fold”.

A modern C++ program, using the STL, is somewhat similar in structure, although dramatically wordier. C++ is probably the poster child for obese von Neumann languages; here I have included the entire file with a main() function, because that turned out to be a little tricky for me to write concisely with my limited knowledge of C++, and I would hate for anyone else to have to suffer the same way. It’s only the 4 lines inside innerproduct that correspond to the 2-3 lines of C given at the top of this section or the half-line of Python.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
T innerproduct(vector<T> a, vector<T> b) {
  vector<T> result;
  transform(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(),
            back_insert_iterator<vector<T> >(result), multiplies<T>());
  return accumulate(result.begin() + 1, result.end(), result[0], plus<T>());

#define arrayend(array) ((array)+sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int aa[] = {1, 2, 3};
  int bb[] = {6, 5, 4};
  vector<int> a(aa, arrayend(aa)), b(bb, arrayend(bb));
  cout << innerproduct(a, b) << endl;
  return 0;

(I think that’s purely standard C++. I tested it with g++ 4.1.2. There’s no particular reason transform() couldn’t have been defined to produce an InputIterator instead of consuming an OutputIterator, but it wasn’t. Oh, and the STL contains an inner_product() template function that does this already, but you have to give it a starting value, as with accumulate(), so it’s hard to make a call to it generic across element types.)

(A note about performance: the above program compiles to 3632 bytes of machine code, on the order of 750 instructions, containing obvious inefficiencies; the inner-product function itself, instantiated for vectors of integers, is 86 instructions, and on my laptop, it takes 3300 nanoseconds on Backus’s example vectors. By comparison, the analogous non-generic C function, with the code at the top of this section, is 23 instructions, contains no calls to other functions, and consequently executes in 54 nanoseconds. So much for the STL’s vaunted “absolute efficiency”. The C++ version also requires four dynamic libraries at run-time.)

In “A Short History of STL” [Stepanov 2007], Stepanov writes about how his work was inspired by Backus’s FP work.

In OCaml, which is very much inspired by Backus’s paper, we could write:

List.fold_left2 (fun a b c -> a + b * c) 0

Although that’s not generic across numeric types the way the Python and C++ versions are.

In Squeak Smalltalk, it looks like this, as a method on SequenceableCollection:

innerProduct: aCollection 
    ^ (self with: aCollection collect: [:a :b | a * b ]) sum.

I don’t know if with:collect: and sum existed in Smalltalk-80, let alone the Smalltalk that existed in 1977; the oldest version in Squeak was in 1999 by “di”, which is presumably Dan Ingalls, but older versions may exist.

In R5RS Scheme, if I don’t restrict myself to trying to reproduce the structure of Backus’s program exactly using facilities that I’m sure were present in early Lisp, I can write it quite concisely as well:

(define (innerproduct a b) (apply + (map * a b)))

I don’t know when Scheme’s map acquired the ability to apply to an arbitrary number of arguments, but I suspect it was a bit later than Backus’s paper.

The Smalltalk and Scheme versions, too, are generic across all numeric types; although the Scheme version, unlike the Python, C++, and Smalltalk versions, doesn’t support user-defined numeric types.

These programs are improvements over the C version along Backus’s criteria in the following ways: Python: abceg; C++: beg; OCaml: abceg; Squeak: abceg; Scheme: aceg.

So, in sum, von Neumann programming languages — the avant-garde, if not yet the mainstream — have adopted features that provide most of Backus’s desiderata, but without requiring the point-free style he considers crucial. Some of them, I think, had those features before his paper.

Garbage Collection is the Key to Not Thinking Word-at-a-Time

In section 4, Backus writes, “The assignment statement is the von Neumann bottleneck of programming languages and keeps us thinking in word-at-a-time terms in much the same way the computer’s bottleneck does. Consider a typical program; at its center are a number of assignment statements containing some subscripted variables. Each assignment statement produces a one-word result.”

But actually, even years before Backus wrote his paper, PL/1 supported assignment statements that copied entire arrays, and C eventually acquired the ability to copy structs in simple assignment statements as well. But you can’t write the functional forms used in Backus’s “InnerProduct” program in those languages, the way you can in Python, OCaml, Smalltalk, or Scheme. The key is that, even though assignment statements in Python or Scheme only copy single words (unlike those in C and PL/1!) those single words can effectively stand for much larger data structures that they point to.

In C, a single word can point to a much larger data structure, but you must constantly be aware of the difference between the pointer and the thing it points to, because you must be careful to free the thing it points to before overwriting the last copy of the pointer, or letting it go out of scope. C++ can do better here because its destructors and copy-constructors allow you to automate that work.

So, even though C’s assignment statements and parameter-passing can copy entire structs (say, complex numbers, or begin-end pointer pairs), they can’t copy structures of irregular and unpredictable size, such as the transposed list of pairs in the inner-product function. Garbage-collected languages can universally pass structures of irregular and unpredictable size without worrying about who deallocates them, and so you can toss around a list, or a parse tree, or an arbitrary-precision number, or an arbitrary-size matrix, or a drawing, as easily if it were a single byte.

(As long as you don’t mutate it. Once you start mutating it, you have to worry about aliasing. But most of the time, that doesn’t impose a large practical complexity penalty on your programs — just your proofs.)

In sum, Backus misidentified the source of word-at-a-time thinking; it is not the assignment statement and its ability to transfer only a word at a time, but rather the hassle of manual memory management.

This is perhaps somewhat surprising; garbage collection had been invented for Lisp in 1958 or 1959, and Algol-68 implementations were required to provide it. But it seems that in 1977, Backus didn’t have much experience programming in garbage-collection languages. Perhaps this is because, despite Algol-68’s mandate, garbage-collected programming environments weren’t in wide use by 1977, largely because garbage collection was grossly inefficient until the invention of generational garbage collection (in 1982? XXX).

However, this myopia about garbage collection was not limited to Backus; Dijkstra comments in EWD692, about this very paper:

In the first step [of the program MM] each of the component functions in the construction (“1” and “trans o 2” , respectively) is combined with the total operand —a sequence of two matrices— from which in the last step (Selection) each extracts the half it really needs. If the matrices m and n are sizeable [sic], a naive [sic] implementation that first copies those matrices and then kicks out half of it again seems absolutely unacceptable on any machine —von Neumann or not—.

But That’s Not the Point!

But the “abcdefg” desiderata in section 5 aren’t the real point of the paper! The real point of the paper, found in section 9, is that languages that are more mathematically tractable permit “algebraic laws” to be “used in a rather mechanical way to transform a problem into its solution.” Backus proposes to solve this problem by inventing a new programming style that is particularly easy to manipulate mathematically.

There is definitely merit in using programming styles that make it easy to prove things and to mechanically transform programs without changing their semantics; this was the idea of Dijkstra’s “structured programming”, which Backus mentions in passing.

Unfortunately, while I think Backus was correct that purely-applicative programs in general, and point-free purely-applicative programs in particular, are particularly amenable to formal manipulation, he doesn’t do a very good job of presenting this in the paper.

Backus’s Pessimism About Formal Semantics Was Wrong

In section 9, Backus writes:

Axiomatic semantics [Hoare 1969] precisely restates the inelegant properties of von Neumann programs (i.e. transformations on states) as transformations on predicates. ... [Its practitioners’] success rests on two factors in addition to their ingenuity: First, the game is restricted to small, weak subsets of full von Neumann languages that have states vastly simpler than real ones. Second, the new playing field (predicates and their transformations) is richer, more orderly and effective than the old (states and their transformations). But restricting the game and transferring it to a more effective domain does not enable it to handle real programs (with the necessary complexities of procedure calls and aliasing) ... As axiomatic semantics is extended to cover more of a typical von Neumann language, it begins to lose its effectiveness with the increasing complexity that is required.

Although Scheme contains a large and useful applicative subset, it is certainly a von Neumann language in the sense that Backus is describing. R5RS includes a formal denotational semantics for Scheme. It’s only two and a half pages, and handles the primitive forms of the whole language; another two pages are concerned with formal definitions of rewrite rules that reduce the other special forms in the system to those primitive forms. Real programs in Scheme have had useful properties proved of them, or so I hear. I haven’t written or read any of those proofs myself. XXX PreScheme

(Axiomatic semantics is a different approach from the denotational semantics used by R5RS, as Backus points out in section 12, but his skepticism is not confined to one or the other.)

More recently [Leroy 2006], Xavier Leroy’s team at INRIA has constructed a compiler in OCaml from a large subset of C, which they call Clight, to PowerPC assembly. The compiler is automatically extracted from a machine-checked proof of its correctness written in Coq. While the source language Clight is, at this point, still a toy language (it lacks structs, unions, typedef, goto, switch, and, I believe, casts) its compiler is definitely a “real program”.

On the other hand, while the problems Backus identifies are not as severe as he thought, neither are they nonexistent. Apparently [Leroy 2006] it is still the case that nobody has published a formal semantics for C, which was the most-widely-used von-Neumann-style language during much of the 30 years since Backus’s paper (say, 1984 to 1994, or possibly even until today). So the early hopes accompanying formal denotational semantics work were overoptimistic, essentially for the reasons Backus identifies.

And Backus’s other skepticism expressed later has turned out to be correct: “If the average programmer is to prove his programs correct, he will need much simpler techniques than those the professionals have so far put forward.” And point-free purely-applicative programs have indeed turned out to be among the easiest to manipulate in this way.

Dijkstra writes in EWD-692:

...his objection is less against von Neumann programs than against his own clumsy way of trying to understand them.

(But over the next few dozen EWD notices, Dijkstra seems to have changed his mind about the ease of proving properties of functional programs.)

Von Neumann Languages Can Be Powerfully Extensible

Backus writes:

Let us distinguish two parts of a programming language. First, its framework which gives the overall rules of the system, and second, its changeable parts, whose existence is anticipated by the framework but whose particular behavior is not specified by it. For example, the for statement, and almost all other statements, are part of Algol’s framework but library functions and user-defined procedures are changeable parts...

Now suppose a language had a small framework which could easily accommodate a great variety of changeable features entirely as changeable parts. Then such a framework could support many different features and styles without being changed itself. In contrast to this pleasant possibility, von Neumann languages always seem to have an immense framework and very limited changeable parts. What causes this to happen? The answer concerns two problems of von Neumann languages.

The first problem...a von Neumann language must have a semantics closely coupled to the state, in which every detail of a computation changes the state. The consequence of this semantics closely coupled to states is that every detail of every feature must be built into the state and its transition rules.

Thus every feature of a von Neumann language must be spelled out in stupefying detail in its framework. ...many complex features are needed... The result is the inevitable rigid and enormous framework of a von Neumann language. . . .

The second problem of von Neumann languages is that their changeable parts have so little expressive power. Their gargantuan size is eloquent proof of this; after all, if the designer knew that all those complicated features, which he now builds into the framework, could be added later on as changeable parts, he would not be so eager to build them into the framework.

His “first problem” is a non sequitur. Why would having every detail of a computation change the state, and therefore semantics being closely coupled to states, result in not being able to define “features” such as the for statement? Backus never explains what “feature” means, nor does he explain any kind of connection between operational semantics and lack of extensibility.

The only additional complication operational semantics bring to extensibility is that when you define a new expression or statement type — such as a for statement — you must specify if, when, and how many times each subexpression is executed, while purely-applicative languages need only specify what to do with their results.

In fact, there already existed many highly-extensible von Neumann languages when he wrote this, Lisp and Forth being among the prime examples of the type. Smalltalk-72 was more extensible than Smalltalk-80, but even Smalltalk-80 supports easy user-level definitions of things such as the Algol for statement. Here's the definition of Number>>#to:do: from Squeak, which is a Smalltalk-80 implementation:

to: stop do: aBlock 
        "Normally compiled in-line, and therefore not overridable.
        Evaluate aBlock for each element of the interval 
        (self to: stop by: 1)."
        | nextValue |
        nextValue _ self.
        [nextValue <= stop]
                        [aBlock value: nextValue.
                        nextValue _ nextValue + 1]

This allows you to write a for loop like this:

1 to: 10 do: [:i | Transcript show: ('item ', i asString); cr]

As the comment explains, the compiler specially recognizes the #to:do: selector and inlines an implementation equivalent to this one; but you can use the code to define another loop structure that does the same thing under another name.

There are several different approaches to defining highly extensible von Neumann languages:

  1. Lisp macros: by running arbitrary user-defined code at compile-time, you can add arbitrarily complex language features. R5RS defines Scheme in terms of only six primitive expression types: variables, quote-expressions, procedure calls, lambda expressions, if, and assignments. Everything else — cond, case, let, let*, letrec, begin (sequencing), do (the for loop), even access to the macro system — is defined in terms of the macro system. While Lisp macros had their shortcomings at the time Backus wrote (hygienic macros wouldn’t be successfully implemented for, I think, another ten years) they were already in heavy use in, at least, MacLisp. R5RS defines do in the following fairly tricky way:

    (define-syntax do
      (syntax-rules ()
        ((do ((var init step ...) ...)
              (test expr ...)
              command ...)
         (letrec ((loop
                   (lambda (var ...)
                     (if test
                         (begin (if #f #f) expr ...)
                         (begin command ...
                                (loop (do "step" var step ...) ...))))))
           (loop init ...)))
        ((do "step" x) x)
        ((do "step" x y) y)))

    (Some Scheme dialects also have a Common-Lisp-style macro system in which the code to rewrite the tree is normal Scheme rather than this syntax-rules crap, but it’s somewhat trickier to use because of name-capture problems.)

    C++ uses a similar approach; like standard Scheme, it has, in effect, a completely different programming language that runs at compile-time, based on pattern-matching of C++ types.

    Forth uses this approach to the extreme. The Forth equivalent of the for loop is the DO LOOP loop, which looks like 10 0 DO I . LOOP — 10 is the loop limit, 0 is the starting value, I . is the body of the loop (which prints the value of the loop counter), and LOOP ends the loop. There are variants, but that’s the basic structure. Here’s the implementation of DO LOOP in F-83, a 1983 implementation of Forth; this version is for MS-DOS, and so some structures are written in an RPN version of 8086 assembly for speed. (I gathered this together from several different parts of KERNEL86.BLK.)

    CODE (DO)   (S l i -- )   AX POP   BX POP
      IP INC   IP INC   8000 # BX ADD   RP DEC   RP DEC
      BX 0 [RP] MOV   BX AX SUB   RP DEC   RP DEC   AX 0 [RP] MOV
    CODE BRANCH   (S -- )
    CODE (LOOP)   (S -- )   1 # AX MOV
    : DO      COMPILE (DO)   ?>MARK                    ; IMMEDIATE
    : LOOP

    Essentially everything is the “changeable parts” in Forth. The eForth 1.0 model from 1990, in an effort to define a maximally portable Forth, has 171 instructions of actual machine code constituting a two-instruction “interpreter” and 31 primitive “words” or procedures.

    I want to emphasize that, although some of these words are written in assembly, and some run at compile-time, in no way do they form an unchangeable part of the framework in the sense that Backus deplores; any user of the system can define new words in assembly at any time, or define new words that run at compile-time to define new control structures, and those words are immediately available.

    Although the above exercise in archaeology is from six years after 1977, the relevant attributes of Forth were in place from some time before Backus wrote.

  2. Lightweight closures: Smalltalk-80 gets most of its extensibility from a very lightweight syntax for (restricted) closures, as shown in the above code for Number>>#to:do:. This has undesirable effects occasionally — in ((index <= limit) & (anArray at: index)), the second half of the conjunction is evaluated regardless of the value of the first half. There’s another method that allows you to write ((index <= limit) and: [anArray at: index]) and only evaluate the second part if the first one is true; but the notation is undesirably asymmetrical and non-infix.

    Perl 5’s prototypes and Ruby’s block arguments give them a similarly lightweight closure syntax in some circumstances, which can provide similar facilities.

  3. Reflection: if there’s very little done at compile-time that your code can’t change at run-time, such as constructing new classes, enumerating the methods of classes, constructing method names and calling the named methods, evaluating strings of source code, and so on, you can get a certain amount of extensibility without any special features of the actual language. Smalltalk’s #doesNotUnderstand: method, for example, allows classes to reuse the method namespace for their own purposes.

In sum, Backus’s assertion that the changeable parts of von Neumann languages are necessarily quite limited in their expressiveness is poorly reasoned and simply wrong, and ample counterexamples existed even before he wrote it, although he may not have been aware of them.

The Design of His FP System

Backus’s FP system is a bit different from modern “functional programming” systems, although it inspired the explosion in them over the next few years. They are generally based on the lambda-calculus, and so it is easy to define new higher-order functions in them, and they incorporate parameter substitution as a fundamental mechanism.

Space Usage

Backus writes, “[This MM program] is an inherently inefficient program for von Neumann computers (with regard to the use of space), but efficient ones can be derived from it and realizations of FP systems can be imagined that could execute MM without the prodigal use of space it implies.”

Here’s the MM program:

Def MM = (α α((/+)o(α ×)o trans))o(α distl)o distr o[1,trans o 2]

The most obvious interpretation of his remark follows, and under that interpretation, the remark is wrong.

What he means is that the result of the next-to-last step of MM is a four-dimensional array with dimensions (A, B, C, 2), where the the original matrices have dimensions (A, C) and (C, B) and the result has dimensions (A, B). So, for instance, taking the product of two 1000×1000 matrices, producing a million-number result, would require a two-billion-number intermediate result, which is then reduced to a million numbers in a billion multiplications.

Dijkstra made a similar assumption; see the quote from him above in the section about garbage collection.

But, as he says, there’s no reason to physically realize all the values of that intermediate result. “An APL Machine” [XXX 1970?], written several years before Backus began his work, describes an architecture for evaluating APL programs that avoids materializing many such intermediate results. In this case, it’s sufficient to copy the sequences by reference, even if you materialize them all.

I was thinking that linear logic was going to be helpful here, since obviously there’s no point in materializing a sequence of values that gets used only once when you might as well produce it on the fly (modulo locality of reference and instruction-level parallelism concerns), but actually the values of concern here are the rows and columns, which are indeed used multiple times; distl and distr are not “linear” in Girard’s sense.

This straightforward Python translation of the above MM program can multiply a 10000×40 matrix by a 40×10000 matrix, producing a 40×40 result, in 5MB. If it created an intermediate 40 × 40 × 2 × 10000 matrix with no sharing, as Backus seems to have envisioned, that intermediate matrix would contain 32 million values. It takes about five minutes on my computer.

# A Python implementation of some of John Backus's "FP" system.
def selector(n):
    return lambda x: x[n-1]
def insert(f):
    def rv(x):
        rv = x[-1]
        for xi in x[-2::-1]: rv = f([xi, rv])
        return rv
    return rv
def apply_to_all(f):
    return lambda x: [f(xi) for xi in x]
def compose(*fs):
    if len(fs) == 1: return fs[0]
    f = fs[0]
    g = compose(*fs[1:])
    return lambda x: f(g(x))
def construct(*fs):
    return lambda x: [fi(x) for fi in fs]
def transpose(x):
    return [[x[i][j] for i in range(len(x))]
            for j in range(len(x[0]))]
plus =  lambda (x, y): x + y
times = lambda (x, y): x * y
distl = lambda (y, z): [(y, zi) for zi in z]
distr = lambda (y, z): [(yi, z) for yi in y]
innerproduct = compose(insert(plus), apply_to_all(times), transpose)
print innerproduct([[1, 2, 3], [6, 5, 4]])
mm = compose(apply_to_all(apply_to_all(innerproduct)),
             construct(selector(1), compose(transpose, selector(2))))
matrices = [[[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [0, 0]]]
print mm(matrices)
bigmatrices = [[range(10000)] * 40, [range(40)] * 10000]
print mm(bigmatrices)

It could be that Backus was merely considering the necessity to allocate any variable-sized space for intermediate results as an “inefficient” use of space, since all you really need for a matrix multiply is three loop counters and an accumulator.

Presenting Some of Backus’s Results Better

Backus’s section 12.5.1 is a correctness proof for a recursive factorial function, defined as follows:

    f = eq0 -> constant(1); times o [id, f o s]
    s = - o [id, constant(1)]
    eq0 = eq o [id, constant(0)]         [from section 11.3]

XXX so the idea here is to work through the proof from section 12.5 to get f = / times o [ id, id o s, id o s o s, ... constant(1) o crap ] and then generalize it. But I’m too sleepy right now. And I probably want a “recursion lemma for f” and a “linearly expansive lemma for f”. p = eq0; g = constant(1); h = times; i = id; j = s

Misc Crap

From HaskellWiki: “To find out more about this style, search for Squiggol and the Bird-Meertens Formalism, a style of functional programming by calculation that was developed by Richard Bird, Lambert Meertens, and others at Oxford University. Jeremy Gibbons has also written a number of papers about the topic, which are cited below.”

Other Stuff to Read

TODO reformat this section for inline links

[Backus 1977] John Backus. Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style? A functional style and its algebra of programs. 1977 ACM Turing Award lecture, Communications of the ACM volume 21, number 8, with this funny number: 0001-0782/78/0800-0613.


[Hoare 1969] C. A. R. Hoare. An axiomatic basis for computer programming. Communications of the ACM volume 12, number 10 (October 1969), pages 576-583


[Knuth 1973] Donald Ervin Knuth. Structured Programming with Go To Statements. Computing Surveys, volume 6, number 4 (December 1974), pages 261-301.


[Leroy 2006] Xavier Leroy. Formal Certification of a Compiler Back-end: or: Programming a Compiler with a Proof Assistant. POPL '06, with this funny number: 1-59593-027-2/06/0001.


[Sussman 1975] Gerald Jay Sussman and Guy Lewis Steele Jr. Scheme: an interpreter for extended lambda calculus. MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 349 (AIM-349), December 1975. This was the initial definition of Scheme, preceding AIM-452, the Revised Report on Scheme.

[van Rossum XXX] that thing he wrote about removing reduce and lambda from Python 3000

[Stepanov 2007] "Short History of STL", by Alexander Stepanov (contributed to Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2007 by Bjarne Stroustrup)


[XXX 1970?] That guy's APL machine paper, with the D-machine and the E-machine and the drag-along.

[HaskellWiki Pointfree] The "Pointfree" page on HaskellWiki as of 2008-01-08.
