"""Pygmusic: A simple music sequencer in PyGame. By Kragen Sitaker,
2007-12-07, 08, and 09.
Drag things around with the mouse; the right mouse button exits.
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the
public domain. This applies worldwide.
In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right
to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless
such conditions are required by law.
import pygame, time, os, sys, math
def gray(x):
"Return a grayscale color tuple given an argument in [0,256)"
return (x, x, x)
black = gray(0)
white = gray(255)
def padd((x1, y1), (x2, y2)):
"Add an offset to a 2D point."
return (x2 + x1, y2 + y1)
def diff((x1, y1), (x2, y2)):
"Take the offset between two 2D points."
return (x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
class Visible:
"""Things that get drawn on the screen and maybe handle mouse clicks
or make sounds.
These objects can be added to the world with world.add and are
expected to be able to do the following:
- obj.contains((x, y)): tell whether a mouse position is in the object
- obj.handle_click(world, event): handle a mouse button going down
- obj.play(world): make any appropriate sounds
- obj.center(): return (x, y) center to decide when to be played
- obj.draw(self, world, screen): display itself; called every frame.
- obj.is_drop_target_for(self, object, world): handle object being
dropped on us
Additionally, if an object is draggable, it needs to support these:
- obj.move(delta): move by delta x and delta y
- obj.handle_drop(world): finish being dragged
In order to use the default implementations of contains and
center, the object needs to have a rect property that acts like a
def contains(self, (x, y)): return self.rect.collidepoint(x, y)
def center(self): return self.rect.center
def is_drop_target_for(self, obj, world): "Default is to do nothing."
def handle_click(self, world, ev): "Default is to do nothing."
def play(self, world): "Default is to do nothing."
class Timer(Visible):
"A horizontal strip on the screen that plays things in it when triggered."
def __init__(self, rect, cycletime, color, active=True, divisions=8):
"cycletime is the time to go through the whole cycle."
self.rect = rect
self.cycletime = cycletime
self.color = color
self.active = active
self.start = time.time()
self.lastoffset = 0
self.divisions = divisions
def drawvbar(self, screen, offset, color):
"Draws a timing mark at a given offset."
screen.fill(color, ((self.rect.left + offset, self.rect.top),
(1, self.rect.h)))
def drawvbars(self, screen, n, color):
"Draw timing marks for odd intervals of every nth of a cycle."
for ii in range(1, n):
self.drawvbar(screen, ii * self.rect.w / float(n), color)
def draw(self, world, screen):
screen.fill(gray(self.color), self.rect)
self.drawvbars(screen, self.divisions*2, gray(136))
self.drawvbars(screen, self.divisions, gray(144))
self.drawvbars(screen, 2, gray(192))
if self.active: self.draw_cursor(world, screen)
def time(self):
"The time since the beginning of the current play cycle."
age = time.time() - self.start
if age > self.cycletime: return self.cycletime
return age
def offset(self):
"The current position of the cursor for this timer."
return int(self.time() / self.cycletime * self.rect.w + 0.5)
def handle_click(self, world, ev): self.trigger()
def trigger(self):
"Start playing the sounds within."
self.active = True
self.lastoffset = 0
self.start = time.time()
def cursor_rect(self, start, end):
"Returns a Rect from pixel offset 'start' to 'end' for a cursor."
return pygame.Rect((self.rect.left + start, self.rect.top),
(end - start, self.rect.h))
def cursor_rects(self, offset):
"Returns the Rects showing the currently playing period on the screen."
assert offset >= self.lastoffset
return [self.cursor_rect(self.lastoffset, offset)]
def draw_cursor(self, world, screen):
"""Draws the white box that represents the currently playing period,
and also plays the sounds found within."""
offset = self.offset()
for rect in self.cursor_rects(offset):
screen.fill(white, rect)
for obj in world.objects_in(rect):
world.defer(lambda obj=obj: obj.play(world))
self.lastoffset = offset
class RepeatingTimer(Timer):
"A horizontal strip on the screen that plays things in it repeatedly."
def time(self):
return (time.time() - self.start) % self.cycletime
def handle_click(self, world, ev):
"Turns the timer on and off when clicked."
if not self.active: self.lastoffset = self.offset()
self.active = not self.active
def cursor_rects(self, offset):
if offset >= self.lastoffset:
return [self.cursor_rect(self.lastoffset, offset)]
return [self.cursor_rect(self.lastoffset, self.rect.w),
self.cursor_rect(0, offset)]
class ImageDisplay(Visible):
"A visible object that displays by merely blitting an image."
def __init__(self, pos, image):
self.image = image
self.rect = pygame.Rect(pos, image.get_size()) def draw(self, world, surface):
"ImageDisplay.draw just blits the object's image."
surface.blit(self.image, self.rect.topleft)
class UglyHalo(ImageDisplay):
"""A white square that fades to nothing over 0.6 seconds to show
that something has happened."""
def __init__(self, rect):
"rect is the area to draw the halo around."
halosize = rect.h * 2
image = pygame.surface.Surface((halosize, halosize))
ImageDisplay.__init__(self, diff(image.get_rect().center, rect.center),
self.start = time.time()
def draw(self, world, surface):
"Blits the halo image with the current opacity; possibly suicides."
age = time.time() - self.start
opacity = int(255 * (0.6 - age))
if opacity <= 0: world.delete(self)
ImageDisplay.draw(self, world, surface)
def scale(mask, component):
"Encode a floating-point color component in [0, 1] with a bitmask."
assert 0 <= component <= 1, component
mask = mask % (2**32) rv = int(mask * component) & mask if rv >= 2**31: rv -= 2**32 rv = int(rv) return rv
def pixel(masks, components):
"Encode an (r, g, b, alpha) tuple according to given masks."
return sum(map(scale, masks, components))
class NumericHaloMovie:
"Renders frames of a halo on demand, then caches them."
def __init__(self, args):
framelength, size, max_age, fuzz = args
self.framelength = framelength
self.size = size self.max_age = max_age
self.fuzzsq = fuzz**2
self.frames = {}
self.shape = (size*2, size*2)
cx = cy = size xs, ys = Numeric.indices(self.shape) (dx, dy) = (xs - cx, ys - cy) self.rsq = dx*dx + dy*dy def render_frame(self, framenum):
age = framenum * self.framelength mysurf = pygame.Surface(self.shape).convert_alpha()
masks = mysurf.get_masks() global_alpha = (self.max_age**2 - age**2)/self.max_age**2
fsq = self.fuzzsq
palette = Numeric.array(
[pixel(masks, (1, 1, 0.8 * float(fsq-ii)/fsq, 0.9 * float(fsq-ii)/fsq * global_alpha))
for ii in range(fsq)] + [0])
max_level = self.size**2/2 * (1 - (1 - age*2)**2)
density = Numeric.clip(Numeric.absolute(self.rsq - max_level),
0, fsq).astype(Numeric.Int)
colors = Numeric.take(palette, density)
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(mysurf, colors)
return mysurf
def __getitem__(self, framenum):
"Get a frame."
try: return self.frames[framenum]
except KeyError:
frame = self.render_frame(framenum)
self.frames[framenum] = frame
return frame
halo_movies = {}
def get_halo_movie(*args):
"Find a requested halo movie."
if halo_movies.has_key(args): return halo_movies[args]
halo_movies[args] = NumericHaloMovie(args)
return halo_movies[args]
class NumericHalo(Visible):
"Draws a fading halo computed with Numerical Python."
def __init__(self, rect):
"rect is the area to draw the halo around."
fuzz = 10
self.framelength = 1/120.0 self.max_age = 0.4 self.frames = get_halo_movie(self.framelength, rect.h,
self.max_age, fuzz)
pos = diff(self.frames[0].get_rect().center, rect.center)
self.rect = pygame.Rect(pos, self.frames[0].get_size())
self.start = time.time()
def draw(self, world, surface):
"Blits the best frame for the halo's current age; possibly suicides."
age = time.time() - self.start
if age > self.max_age: world.delete(self)
surface.blit(self.frames[int(age / self.framelength + 0.5)],
import Numeric
make_halo = UglyHalo
make_halo = NumericHalo
class DragSource(ImageDisplay):
"Here is a source you can drag new Visibles from."
def __init__(self, pos, image, instance):
"instance is a callable to call with (x, y) to make the new thing."
ImageDisplay.__init__(self, pos, image)
self.instance = instance
def handle_click(self, world, ev):
"Start a drag with a new instance of, say, a Sound."
new = self.instance(padd(self.rect.topleft, (15, 15)))
new.start_drag(world, ev)
class Sound(ImageDisplay):
"A draggable sound that you can put in the tracks."
def __init__(self, pos, image, sound):
ImageDisplay.__init__(self, pos, image)
self.sound = sound
def move(self, delta): self.rect = self.rect.move(delta)
def start_drag(self, world, ev):
world.grab(self, ev.pos)
def handle_drop(self, world):
"Handle being dropped; called by the world."
droptarget = world.object_at(padd(self.rect.topleft, (-1, -1)))
if droptarget: droptarget.is_drop_target_for(self, world)
def handle_click(self, world, ev):
self.start_drag(world, ev)
def play(self, world):
"Plays the object's sound and kicks off a halo; called by timer."
class Trigger(Sound):
"""A draggable object that you can put in a timer to trigger some
other thing, such as another timer."""
XXX def __init__(self, pos, image, gun):
ImageDisplay.__init__(self, pos, image)
self.gun = gun
def play(self, world):
class Trash(ImageDisplay):
"""The trashcan deletes things dropped on it."""
def is_drop_target_for(self, object, world):
"Delete the dropped thing and make a halo."
class Profiler:
def __init__(self):
self.times = {}
def __str__(self): return str(self.times)
def start(self): self.last_time = time.time()
def note(self, what):
now = time.time()
dur = now - self.last_time
self.last_time = now
if not self.times.has_key(what): self.times[what] = 0
self.times[what] += dur
class World:
"""Manages the set of stuff you see on the screen and routes
events. I think this is basically the Smalltalk MVC Controller."""
def __init__(self, screen):
"screen is an SDL/PyGame surface to draw on."
self.screen = screen
self.objects = [] self.nonclickable_objects = [] self.grab(None, None) self.redraw_profiler = Profiler()
self.deferreds = []
def redraw(self):
"This gets called whenever there's idle time, i.e. each frame."
for obj in self.objects + self.nonclickable_objects:
obj.draw(self, self.screen)
for task in self.deferreds: task()
self.deferreds = []
def defer(self, task):
"Enqueue a task to be done as soon as possible after redraw."
def add(self, obj):
"Call to put a new visible, clickable object on the screen."
def add_nonclickable(self, obj):
"""Like add, but for nonclickable objects above everything.
I added this for halos because they were accidentally getting
drawn underneath other screen objects, and they aren't
supposed to impede the clickability of the objects they're
haloing around.
def object_at(self, pos):
"Return the topmost object at pos, or None."
for ii in range(len(self.objects)-1, -1, -1):
if self.objects[ii].contains(pos): return self.objects[ii]
def handle_click(self, ev):
"Route a click event to the relevant object."
obj = self.object_at(ev.pos)
if obj: obj.handle_click(self, ev)
else: self.ungrab()
def handle_release(self, ev):
"Handle a button release event."
def handle_motion(self, ev):
"Handle mouse motion, by doing a mouse drag if needed."
if self.dragobj is None: return
self.dragobj.move(diff(self.dragpos, ev.pos))
self.dragpos = ev.pos
def ungrab(self):
"Terminate any drag."
if self.dragobj is not None: self.dragobj.handle_drop(self)
self.grab(None, None)
def grab(self, obj, pos):
"Start dragging some object."
(self.dragobj, self.dragpos) = (obj, pos)
def delete(self, obj):
"Remove a visible object (clickable or not) from the world."
if obj in self.nonclickable_objects:
def raise_to_top(self, obj):
"Move an object to the top of the drawing stack."
def objects_in(self, arect):
"""Find all the objects whose centers are in a rectangle.
This is used by the timer to figure out what to play.
return [obj for obj in self.objects
if arect.contains(pygame.Rect(obj.center(), (1, 1,)))]
def main(argv):
"Main program."
mydir = os.path.split(argv[0])[0]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
fullscreen = True
world = World(screen)
timerwidth = 440
def timer(y, cycletime, color, active=True):
world.add(RepeatingTimer(rect=pygame.Rect((100, y), (timerwidth,30)),
cycletime=cycletime*0.16667, color=color, active=active,
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24) def getsound(soundname):
path = os.path.join(mydir, soundname + '.wav')
return pygame.mixer.Sound(path)
def renderletter(letter, color): return font.render(letter, 1, color)
def addsource(xpos, letter, soundname):
image = renderletter(letter, white)
sound = getsound(soundname)
make = lambda pos: Sound(pos=pos, image=image, sound=sound)
source = DragSource(pos=(xpos, 80),
image=renderletter(letter, (255, 128, 128)),
return lambda pos: world.add(source.instance(pos))
yy = addsource(100, 'Y', 'score')
zz = addsource(120, 'Z', 'extraball')
aa = addsource(140, 'A', 'reflect_paddle')
bb = addsource(160, 'B', 'reflect_brick')
addsource(180, 'C', 'menu_click')
addsource(200, 'D', 'shrink')
timer(100, 3, 128)
bb((95, 100))
timer(130, 5, 120, active=False)
zz((95, 130))
timer(160, 7, 128, active=False)
yy((95, 160))
timer(190, 8, 120)
aa((95, 190))
aa((95 + timerwidth/2, 190))
mytimer = Timer(rect=pygame.Rect((100, 250), (timerwidth,30)),
cycletime=1, color=128, active=True,
world.add(DragSource((75, 250), image=renderletter("E", (255, 128, 128)),
instance = lambda pos:
Trigger(pos, renderletter("E", white), mytimer)))
trashf = os.path.join(mydir, 'trashcan_empty.png')
world.add(Trash((100, 300), pygame.image.load(trashf).convert()))
world.add(ImageDisplay((200, 300),
font.render("Drag things around with the mouse.", 1, white)))
world.add(ImageDisplay((200, 320),
font.render("The right mouse button exits.", 1, white)))
frames = 0
start = time.time()
while 1:
ev = pygame.event.poll()
if ev.type == pygame.NOEVENT:
frames += 1
elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if ev.button == 3: break
elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if ev.key == pygame.K_f:
fullscreen = not fullscreen
if fullscreen:
pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) elif ev.type == pygame.QUIT: break
end = time.time()
print "%.2f seconds, %.2f fps" % ((end - start), frames / (end - start))
print 'redraw times', world.redraw_profiler
if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)