Laser boot, cut 6: a Sierpiński cutout

I thought I’d take a break from Heckballs for a bit and try something different, like a fractal. I was thinking maybe a tree but I decided that an L-system-generated Sierpiński arrowhead curve cutout would be easier.

Cost model

For this one I wrote a cost-estimating model in PostScript, roughly calibrating it from my previous experiences. At first it was completely broken; the costs it computes were wildly wrong. Applied to Cut 5 Heckballs it said:

Totals: 2339 vertices; 14689.6 mm drawn. Estimated cutting time 1603.31 seconds, estimated Max58 cost AR$673.389.

The reality was that it took 827 seconds, just over half of this estimate, and consequently cost AR$350. The cost per second is about right, but that's because I took the cost per second from that cut (which was about 5% higher than previous cuts). For Cut 4 Heckballs, the results were even more wildly off:

Totals: 4549 vertices; 13990.2 mm drawn. Estimated cutting time 2455.52 seconds, estimated Max58 cost AR$1031.32.

The reality was 832 seconds and AR$320.

For Cut 3 Heckballs, its estimate was again absurdly high:

Totals: 1512 vertices; 23544.4 mm drawn. Estimated cutting time 1675.0 seconds, estimated Max58 cost AR$703.499.

The reality was 1046 seconds and AR$400.

I had estimated Cut 3 to be 21.9 m of cutting, so the distance here is probably within 10% of correct.

R is happy to analyze these three data points and give me a shitty linear model:

> vertices <- c(2339, 4549, 1512)
> mm <- c(14689.6, 13990.2, 23544.4)
> s <- c(827, 832, 1046)
> summary(lm(s ~ vertices + mm))

lm(formula = s ~ vertices + mm)

ALL 3 residuals are 0: no residual degrees of freedom!

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 425.1097         NA      NA       NA
vertices      0.0104         NA      NA       NA
mm            0.0257         NA      NA       NA

Residual standard error: NaN on 0 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:     1,  Adjusted R-squared:   NaN 
F-statistic:   NaN on 2 and 0 DF,  p-value: NA

So linear regression on three points says that a laser-cutting job takes 425 seconds plus 10 ms per vertex and 26 ms per mm.

This kind of makes no sense. I saw the laser take 12 seconds to cut 259-mm-long cuts, so I know that straight-line cutting happens at between 20 and 23 mm/s, which is 42 to 50 ms per mm; the numbers can’t be that far off.

If I jam some zeroes in the arrays to persuade R to use a near-zero intercept, I get an intercept of 5, 60 ms per vertex, and 42 ms per mm. This is maybe more legit, although maybe it’s counting vertices that don’t slow the laser down, too.

(One of the troublesome things is the Max58-requested outline box, some of which has at times been included and at times not in what was actually cut, but this is not a major part of the total cutting time. That box takes about a minute actually.)

For the current Sierpiński cutout, I got this report instead:

Totals: 739 vertices; 8129.49 mm drawn. Estimated cutting time 665.122 seconds, estimated Max58 cost AR$279.351.

If I correct that to use something like the linear model I described above from R (60 ms per vertex, a second per 24 mm of cutting), and to use AR$0.40 per second, I get this instead:

Totals: 739 vertices; 8129.49 mm drawn. Estimated cutting time 388.069 seconds, estimated Max58 cost AR$155.227.

The actual budget they sent me was $190, which was off from my estimate by a bit over 15%.

I made some changes, going from 6 iterations of the L-system to 7, diminishing the side size, and changing the angle and side, and got this (using 60 ms per vertex plus a second per 24 mm of cut):

Totals: 2196 vertices; 11328.3 mm drawn. Estimated cutting time 608.771 seconds, estimated Max58 cost AR$243.508.

Sending that off to see what they say... but I think I sent it too late to get a reply today, since I sent it at 18:33 and they close at 19:00 (according to the hours on their door; on the web site they say 18:00.) They sent me a budget of $250, only 3% higher! So my model is in good shape! The response took 14 hours and 57 minutes. Once I asked them to cut it, there was a delay of 90' waiting for other people’s jobs to get cut; the actual cutting took 9’33" = 573", about 6% less than the cutting time estimate.


The cut shape is fairly delicate, because it has giant chunks of MDF (over a hundred grams) hanging off of single 3.8-millimeter-wide connections. It can support its own weight, but only barely. I did break the negative part by careless handling — setting it down on a carpeted floor a bit too hard broke off one of the triangles on the inside.

A few of the corners didn’t come out sharp, but rather rounded, and their hexagons were somewhat distorted in shape. I suspect that this was a result of the MDF drooping as it was cut, since it wasn’t supported by any tabs at the time, only through its own elasticity from a long way away under its own weight. The radius of some of the corners was as much as two or three millimeters. This may be due to fire damage in the supporting bed in the laser cutter causing its surface to be uneven.

The bottom of the triangle is at places only 3.8 mm · sin(60°) = 3.29 mm thick. This gives it enough flexibility to droop visibly while hanging on the wall.