// Maze generation program using Kruskal’s algorithm with random edge // weights. package main import ( "io" "log" "math/rand" "os" "strconv" ) type Cell int32 const maxwidth = 65536 func (c Cell) row() int { return int(c / maxwidth) } func (c Cell) col() int { return int(c % maxwidth) } func (c Cell) below() Cell { return c + maxwidth } func (c Cell) right() Cell { return c + 1 } func Cell_at(row int, col int) Cell { return Cell(row*maxwidth + col) } // Data structure for rapidly determining whether two maze cells are // already connected. type Unionfind map[Cell]Cell func (u Unionfind) root(c Cell) (root Cell) { parent, ok := u[c] if !ok { return c } root = u.root(parent) u[c] = root return } func (u Unionfind) Connect(start, end Cell) { u[u.root(start)] = u.root(end) } func (u Unionfind) Connected(a, b Cell) bool { return u.root(a) == u.root(b) } // Maze contains two two-dimensional arrays of booleans (slices of // horizontal rows, which are slices of booleans). Each boolean is // true if a wall exists in the corresponding position. Because the // ultimate destination is an array of character cells, each of which // can contain walls on the top, left, bottom, and/or right, the array // of vertical walls contains one more row and one less column than // the array of horizontal walls. type Maze struct { Horizontal, Vertical [][]bool } func New(width, height int) Maze { h := trues(width+1, height) v := trues(width, height+1) // Shave the outside of the maze. // i.e. convert // ╋╋╋╋ ┏┳┳┓ // ╋╋╋╋ ┣╋╋┫ // ╋╋╋╋ into ┣╋╋┫ // ╋╋╋╋ ┗┻┻┛ for r := 0; r < height; r++ { h[r][0] = false h[r][width] = false } for c := 0; c < width; c++ { v[0][c] = false v[height][c] = false } // Add in and out doors. h[0][1] = false h[height-1][width-1] = false // Dig out the maze as such; first, build a slice of all // internal walls. type wall struct { cell Cell vertical bool } walls := []wall{} for r := 1; r < height-1; r++ { for c := 1; c < width; c++ { walls = append(walls, wall{cell: Cell_at(r, c), vertical: false}) } } for r := 1; r < height; r++ { for c := 1; c < width-1; c++ { walls = append(walls, wall{cell: Cell_at(r, c), vertical: true}) } } // Now, dig out the walls in random order, except where that // would create a cycle. This is precisely Kruskal’s // algorithm. state := Unionfind{} for _, i := range rand.Perm(len(walls)) { w := walls[i] cell_b := w.cell.below() if w.vertical { cell_b = w.cell.right() } if state.Connected(w.cell, cell_b) { continue } state.Connect(w.cell, cell_b) to_demolish := h if w.vertical { to_demolish = v } to_demolish[w.cell.row()][w.cell.col()] = false } return Maze{Horizontal: h, Vertical: v} } func trues(width, height int) [][]bool { trues := [][]bool{} for y := 0; y < height; y++ { line := []bool{} for x := 0; x < width; x++ { line = append(line, true) } trues = append(trues, line) } return trues } type context struct { up, down, left, right bool } var glyphs = map[context][]byte{} func init() { chars := "━┃┏┓┗┛┣┫┳┻╋╸╺╹╻ " lefts := "1..1.1.11111...." // 1 if line touches left, . otherwise right := "" // mutatis mutandis topbs := ".1..1111.11..1.." bottm := ".111..111.1...1." for i, glyph := range []rune(chars) { k := context{ up: topbs[i] == '1', down: bottm[i] == '1', left: lefts[i] == '1', right: right[i] == '1', } glyphs[k] = []byte(string(glyph)) } } func (m Maze) Show(output io.Writer) { h, v := m.Horizontal, m.Vertical for r := 0; r < len(h); r++ { s := []byte{} for c := 0; c < len(v[0]); c++ { k := context{ up: v[r][c], down: v[r+1][c], left: h[r][c], right: h[r][c+1], } s = append(s, glyphs[k]...) } output.Write(append(s, '\n')) } } func main() { var m Maze rand.Seed(int64(os.Getpid())) if len(os.Args) == 1 { m = New(64, 16) } else { var height int width, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1]) if err == nil { height, err = strconv.Atoi(os.Args[2]) } if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } m = New(width, height) } m.Show(os.Stdout) }