
Marilyn and I are divorced, but these texts remain archived here

I will always treat you with respect and courtesy, remembering your beauty and preciousness.

I will never take you for granted.

I will work with you.

I will tell you when I disagree.

I will listen to you.

I will seek consensus with you.

I will never abandon you.

I will comfort you when you are in pain.

I will hold you when you are frightened.

I will not shrink from the demands of life, love, and honesty.

I will always be the best human being and the best husband I possibly can.

I thank God every day for bringing you into my life.

I thank you for your love which calls forth the best in me, which motivates me to transcend my shortcomings in favor of acting in a way that will be best for our mutual growth.

I vow to be honest, responsible, and persevering in the path of spiritual development and service to the world of humanity, and to endeavor always to be a loving friend and helpmate to you in your journey.

We will all, verily, abide by the will of God.
We will all, verily, abide by the will of God.