A disassembly of the 64-byte version of Klappquadrat

Klappquadrat (klapquad.com) is a 31-byte MS-DOS display hack (a category known as the "32b intro") written by an entity known as T$. Packaged in klapquad.zip is also a 64-byte version quad_64b.com that makes even nicer graphics. Here's more or less how it looks in DOSBox:

(video formats: 250kilobyte Ogg Theora or 4 megabyte ZMBV avi)

Very Basics: The Source

T$ was kind enough to include the assembly source to the 31-byte version:

;Klappquadrat 32b
;32 byte intro source by T$
;Greets to mados, cthulhu, spacey and neo

org 100h

  mov    al,13h
  int    10h
  lds    ax,[bx]


mov ax,di
xor dx,dx
mov bx,320
div bx
;dx=x, ax=y

add ax,cx
add dx,cx
and ax,dx
shr ax,cl

xor [di],al 

inc di
jnz schleife

inc cx
jmp short schleife

The 64-byte version looks fairly similar:

kragen@thrifty:~/pkgs/klapquad$ objdump -D -b binary -m i8086 -M intel quad_64b.com

quad_64b.com:     file format binary

Disassembly of section .data:

0000000000000000 <.data>:
   0:   b0 13                   mov    al,0x13
   2:   cd 10                   int    0x10
   4:   c5 07                   lds    ax,DWORD PTR [bx]
   6:   ba c9 03                mov    dx,0x3c9
   9:   b5 03                   mov    ch,0x3
   b:   66 c1 c8 08             ror    eax,0x8
   f:   3c 3f                   cmp    al,0x3f
  11:   72 04                   jb     0x17
  13:   b0 3f                   mov    al,0x3f
  15:   fe c4                   inc    ah
  17:   f6 c1 03                test   cl,0x3
  1a:   74 01                   je     0x1d
  1c:   ee                      out    [dx],al
  1d:   e2 ec                   loop   0xb
  1f:   89 f8                   mov    ax,di
  21:   31 d2                   xor    dx,dx
  23:   bb 40 01                mov    bx,0x140
  26:   f7 f3                   div    bx
  28:   01 c8                   add    ax,cx
  2a:   01 ca                   add    dx,cx
  2c:   21 d0                   and    ax,dx
  2e:   c1 e8 03                shr    ax,0x3
  31:   d3 e8                   shr    ax,cl
  33:   00 05                   add    BYTE PTR [di],al
  35:   47                      inc    di
  36:   75 e7                   jne    0x1f
  38:   41                      inc    cx
  39:   e4 60                   in     al,0x60
  3b:   fe c8                   dec    al
  3d:   75 e0                   jne    0x1f
  3f:   c3                      ret

The rest of this file is about 3000 words of my commentary on these 31 instructions. I might be wrong about some things, because I'm pretty ignorant about assembly language and MS-DOS, and this code is a bit clever. I'm mostly doing this to learn some of the tricks in the code.

The Setup

   0:   b0 13                   mov    al,0x13
   2:   cd 10                   int    0x10
   4:   c5 07                   lds    ax,DWORD PTR [bx]

This part is in the original source; it's a pretty standard way to start out a small graphics intro, like something in the 32b or 64b categories. fr-016 starts the same way, but with a les instead of a lds. ax starts out as 0, and in int 10h, ah selects the service. Service 0 is setting the video mode; you specify the video mode in al. So the first two instructions set the video mode to mode 13h, which is the very handy 320x200x256 "MCGA" mode supported by almost all SuperVGA cards.

See my notes on fr-016 for how the lds thing works, although fr-016 uses les instead of lds. Setting the ds register like this makes the program code more or less inaccessible for data operations.

The Palette Setup Loop

   6:   ba c9 03                mov    dx,0x3c9
   9:   b5 03                   mov    ch,0x3

Note that there's a loop instruction below that jumps to 0xb, so the above two instructions are setup for a loop. Here's the body of the loop:

   b:   66 c1 c8 08             ror    eax,0x8
   f:   3c 3f                   cmp    al,0x3f
  11:   72 04                   jb     0x17
  13:   b0 3f                   mov    al,0x3f
  15:   fe c4                   inc    ah
  17:   f6 c1 03                test   cl,0x3
  1a:   74 01                   je     0x1d
  1c:   ee                      out    [dx],al
  1d:   e2 ec                   loop   0xb

Loops generally need to have some kind of side effect in them to be useful, and in this case, it looks like the purpose of the loop is the out instruction, which writes the byte al to the port in dx; dx got set in the loop setup code above to 3c9h, and isn't modified inside the loop, so it's always writing bytes to this same port.

It turns out that this is the port you write bytes to in order to set up the VGA palette, so this loop is there to set up the palette. This 25-byte loop (including the two-instruction setup) is also the major difference between the 64-byte version and the 31-byte version whose source is above.

The normal sequence, according to http://www.brackeen.com/vga/bitmaps.html#5, is that you write the palette index to port 3c8h, then the six-bit red, green, and blue values in sequence to port 3c9h. It says you can load the whole palette by first writing a zero to 3c8h, and then writing all 256 palette entries in sequence to 3c9h. So I hypothesize that in general you can write any number of palette entries in sequence this way, and the (emulated) card happens to default to setting palette entry zero at bootup.

Interestingly, this part of the program seems to work differently in FreeDOS under QEMU than in DOSBox; the palette I get in FreeDOS is the black, red, orange, yellow, white palette you can see in the screenshot above, while the one I see in QEMU ranges from green through yellow to white, with no black. I get a somewhat similar effect, actually, if I run this program twice inside DOSBox, but it's cyan instead of green.

This suggests that the problem is the initial state of the eax register, and indeed if I insert an xor eax, eax at the beginning of the program, it displays more correctly in FreeDOS in QEMU, and can run more than once without screwing up the colors in DOSBox.

So, anyway, how does this loop produce this sequence of colors?

Presumably ax starts out as whatever the BIOS video mode routine leaves in it. Each time through the loop, we rotate it by 8 bits, so every four times through the loop, it will be rotated back to its original position. The two bottom bits of the loop counter are tested by the test instruction, and one time out of four, we skip the out instruction, so one of the four bytes in eax is invisible.

This loop seems to set all 256 palette entries. At first that was what I expected it to do, since that would be 3 * 256 color components, and we set cx to 3 * 256 by setting ch to 3. But then I thought that actually cx gets decremented by the loop instruction even when we didn't output a color component, so I thought it would only set the first 192 colors. But if I increase ch to 4, then the first many colors all get set to white, I guess because it wrapped around.

So, anyway, what were those colors? Here's the code that computes them.

   b:   66 c1 c8 08             ror    eax,0x8
   f:   3c 3f                   cmp    al,0x3f
  11:   72 04                   jb     0x17
  13:   b0 3f                   mov    al,0x3f
  15:   fe c4                   inc    ah

So first it rotates eax by a byte; then it checks to see if the low byte is greater than or equal to 0x3f, which is 63, the largest six-bit value. If so, it thresholds it to 0x3f and increments ah, the next byte up. So when red reaches its max, green starts to increment, when green reaches its max, blue starts to increment; when blue reaches its max, the invisible byte starts to increment; and when the invisible byte reaches its max, red starts to increment. So, if we start with some large number in the invisible byte, some small number in the red byte, and zeroes elsewhere, this will give us the dark red, light red, orange, yellow, white sequence that we see.

I seem to remember that this is what's called the "Dutch palette", because so many demos from the Netherlands used it for a while.

I was surprised to learn that you could use eax in 16-bit real mode like this. Apparently the operand size prefix 0x66 works in 16-bit mode to give you 32-bit operands just as it works in 32-bit mode to give you 16-bit operands.

So the remaining mysteries to me at this point were:

  1. Why do all 256 palette entries get set, and not just 192 of them?

  2. Where does the large number in the invisible byte (I guessed it's ah on entry to the loop, but I was wrong) come from? It must be something the BIOS int 10h call is sticking there, I incorrectly thought, but what is it and what does it mean?

To answer these questions, I resorted to probing QEMU with GDB. First, in QEMU's console, while running quad_64b.com:

(qemu) info registers
EAX=3f3f0000 EBX=...
ES =22e4 ...
CS =22e4 ...

So I can set a breakpoint at 0x22f40 and get it to stop on program entry. GDB is kind of dumb when controlling QEMU in real mode; it can set breakpoints, and it does stop when its breakpoints get hit, but it can't figure out that it stopped because the breakpoint was hit, so you have to manually remove the breakpoint if you want to continue, and stepi doesn't work. Anyway, so I restarted QEMU and, before restarting quad_64b, I said:

(qemu) gdbserver

And then I ran GDB:

kragen@thrifty:~/devel/circles$ gdb
GNU gdb 6.4.90-debian
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
Remote debugging using localhost:1234
0x0000e830 in ?? ()
(gdb) set architecture i8086
The target architecture is assumed to be i8086
(gdb) b *0x22f40
Breakpoint 1 at 0x22f40
(gdb) c

And then I started the program:

A:\> quad_64b

And GDB woke up:

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x00000100 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/40i $cs*16+$eip
0x22f40:    mov    $0x13,%al
0x22f42:    int    $0x10
0x22f44:    lds    (%bx),%ax
0x22f46:    mov    $0x3c9,%dx
0x22f49:    mov    $0x3,%ch
0x22f4b:    ror    $0x8,%eax

So I set breakpoints after the return from the interrupt, and at the top of the loop body, and deleted the breakpoint where I was:

(gdb) b *0x22f44
Breakpoint 2 at 0x22f44
(gdb) b *0x22f4b
Breakpoint 3 at 0x22f4b
(gdb) delete 1
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x00000104 in ?? ()
(gdb) info registers
eax            0x400020 4194336
ecx            0xff     255

So there are two interesting things. First, there is a byte that's more than 0x3f in eax, and it's the green byte, which explains the green color I get when testing in QEMU with FreeDOS. Third, ecx is 0xff, not 0; this explains why all of the palette entries get set, instead of only three-quarters of them. (Also, it means the invisible byte, the one to be skipped, will be the one in al at the end of the fourth, eighth, etc., iterations of the loop, not the first, fifth, etc. This is taken into account in my naming of the bytes above.)

Unfortunately, around this point I screwed up in GDB and had to start QEMU again and reattach GDB, and then redelete some old breakpoints.

(gdb) c
Watchdog has expired.  Target detached.
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
Remote debugging using localhost:1234
0x0000026f in ?? ()
(gdb) display/2i $cs*16+$eip
2: x/2i $cs * 16 + $eip
0x96f:  mov    1(%bx),%al
0x972:  mov    13(%bx),%ah
(gdb) b *0x22f40
Note: breakpoint 5 also set at pc 0x22f40.
Breakpoint 6 at 0x22f40
(gdb) delete 5
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x00000100 in ?? ()
2: x/2i $cs * 16 + $eip
0x22f40:        mov    $0x13,%al
0x22f42:        int    $0x10
(gdb) info registers
eax            0x400000 4194304
ecx            0xff     255
(gdb) p $eax = 0x0
$6 = 0
(gdb) b *0x22f46
Breakpoint 7 at 0x22f46
(gdb) delete 6
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x00000106 in ?? ()
2: x/2i $cs * 16 + $eip
0x22f46:        mov    $0x3c9,%dx
0x22f49:        mov    $0x3,%ch
(gdb) info registers
eax            0x20cd   8397
ecx            0xff     255

So ecx is 255 upon program entry, and it's not the BIOS that's setting %eax after all; it's the lds instruction, which loads the int 20h instruction from the beginning of the PSP into it! So red starts out at 0x20, and the invisible byte starts out at 0xcd, the int opcode, which is above 0x3f, so that's how the incrementation gets started.

The Main Loop

Here's the main loop, minus the exit test at the end, which just jumps back to the beginning:

  1f:   89 f8                   mov    ax,di
  21:   31 d2                   xor    dx,dx
  23:   bb 40 01                mov    bx,0x140
  26:   f7 f3                   div    bx
  28:   01 c8                   add    ax,cx
  2a:   01 ca                   add    dx,cx
  2c:   21 d0                   and    ax,dx
  2e:   c1 e8 03                shr    ax,0x3
  31:   d3 e8                   shr    ax,cl
  33:   00 05                   add    BYTE PTR [di],al
  35:   47                      inc    di
  36:   75 e7                   jne    0x1f
  38:   41                      inc    cx

So the main thing to notice here is that there's only one memory access here, and it's through the di register; and di changes only by being incremented. So we're writing to each pixel on the screen sequentially (remember, ds is set to the video segment a000h early on.).

This loop is almost the same as the one in the 31-byte version. There are two differences:

Let's take a look at the last bit first:

  35:   47                      inc    di
  36:   75 e7                   jne    0x1f
  38:   41                      inc    cx

On entry to this loop, cx is zero; we know this because we just fell out of the bottom of a loop instruction, which decrements cx and jumps unless it decremented it to zero. But every time di hits zero (that is, wraps around to the top of the screen) we increment cx again. There are no other places in the loop that change cx. So it forms a kind of frame counter.

The first little bit:

  1f:   89 f8                   mov    ax,di
  21:   31 d2                   xor    dx,dx
  23:   bb 40 01                mov    bx,0x140
  26:   f7 f3                   div    bx

has a helpful comment in the source:

;dx=x, ax=y

0x140 is 320, the number of pixels in a row on the mode 13h screen, and since there's one byte per pixel, also the number of bytes. So if di points at a pixel, dividing di by 320 should give us the Y-coordinate as the quotient and the X-coordinate as the remainder; and that's what the comment means.

The next few instructions are where the black magic happens:

  28:   01 c8                   add    ax,cx
  2a:   01 ca                   add    dx,cx
  2c:   21 d0                   and    ax,dx
  2e:   c1 e8 03                shr    ax,0x3
  31:   d3 e8                   shr    ax,cl
  33:   00 05                   add    BYTE PTR [di],al

The first two add instructions essentially shift the coordinates up and to the left by one pixel every frame. If you take them out, you get a much flatter-looking picture, one that looks like this:

The three-bit shr is also kind of optional. It throws away the bottom three bits of coordinate-derived data, which means that the screen is divided into a bunch of 8x8 tiles, and there are no differences introduced inside those tiles (although the per-frame shift can introduce some). Without the adds and this extra shr, you get something that looks mostly like a bunch of particularly colorful Sierpinski triangles.

The extra shr also slows things down a bit; without it, in some pixels (e.g. (255, 255)), you can get all the way to palette value 255 in a single frame!

So these lines are kind of the heart of the hack:

  2c:   21 d0                   and    ax,dx
  31:   d3 e8                   shr    ax,cl
  33:   00 05                   add    BYTE PTR [di],al

With them in there, you get most of the visual and temporal features of the original.

You'll notice that the screenshots all appear to be made up of nested 2x2 squares in which the bottom right quadrant of each square is brighter than the other three quadrants. That's kind of what you'd expect if you and your coordinates together, right? The lower right quadrant of each 2x2 square is the one where both of the coordinate bits distinguishing the quadrants of that square are 1.

That's pretty much the pattern you get if you just do this:

  2c:   21 d0                   and    ax,dx
  33:   00 05                   mov    BYTE PTR [di],al

Which looks like this, and doesn't animate:

I don't know how to completely explain the difference between that and the previous picture. Obviously the frame counter is crucial in actually getting an animation, and during the long period of time when cl is counting up from 8 to 256, the animation essentially pauses; but I don't quite know how to explain the difference it makes.

That's the main part of my understanding of Klappquadrat I'm still not yet happy with.

The Exit Test

  39:   e4 60                   in     al,0x60
  3b:   fe c8                   dec    al
  3d:   75 e0                   jne    0x1f
  3f:   c3                      ret

According to the source for Dirojed, another 32-byte intro, these four instructions are the "standard ESC check". I guess port 60h reads as 1 if somebody's hitting the Esc key and something else otherwise; so decrementing al sets the zero flag iff Esc was pressed, and if that was the case, we fall through to the ret, which pops a zero off the stack, returns to the int 20h at the beginning of the PSP, and terminates the program. About half the time, this crashes FreeDOS in QEMU; I don't know why.

The 31-byte version just has an unconditional jmp short schliefe here instead of this ESC check, so there's no way to exit to DOS.

My gas Version

I hand-translated the objdump disassembly output into equivalent gas input to facilitate experimenting with changes to the program. It produces a byte-for-byte identical executable until you uncomment some of the lines that make it a little more robust. It looks like this:

        ## a copy of T$'s 64-byte "Klappquadrat"
        ## compile as follows:
        ## as -R klapquad.s -o klapquad.o
        ## objcopy -O binary klapquad.o klapquad.com.0
        ## dd if=klapquad.com.0 of=klapquad.com bs=256 skip=1
        .org 0x100

        ## this makes it work right in FreeDOS in QEMU
        ## and when run multiple times
        #xor %eax, %eax

        movb $0x13, %al
        int $0x10
        #mov $(vidseg-2), %bx    # makes it work right in FreeDOS in QEMU
        lds (%bx), %ax

        mov $0x3c9, %dx
        mov $3, %ch             # orig. 3
        ror $8, %eax
        cmp $0x3f, %al
        jb dont_threshold
        mov $0x3f, %al
        inc %ah
        test $3, %cl
        je dont_outb
        outb %al, (%dx)
        loop set_palette_loop
        mov %di, %ax
        xor %dx, %dx
        mov $0x140, %bx
        div %bx
        add %cx, %ax
        add %cx, %dx
        and %dx, %ax
        shr $3, %ax
        shr %cl, %ax
        addb %al, (%di)
        inc %di
        jne schleife
        inc %cx

        in $0x60, %al
        dec %al
        jne schleife
#vidseg: .short 0xa000

My Python version

There seem to be a limited number of people who can appreciate the assembly version, even with the explanation, and it is a little hard to modify; so I wrote this Python version, which I am placing in the public domain. It probably isn't easier to run (you need to install Python, Numeric, SDL, and Pygame instead of any one of DOSBox, Microsoft Windows, or FreeDOS, and QEMU, and the MS-DOS interfaces are probably stabler) but it's sure easier to read if you know Python and not assembly.

"""Recreation of T$'s Klappquadrat intro in Python with Pygame and Numeric.

This is a recreation of the 64-byte version, and I think 31
instructions.  By contrast, this is 44 lines of code, about 1600
characters.  On the other hand, you can change this from 320x200x256
to, say, 640x480x512 by changing the screensize= and ncolors= lines to
say (640, 480) and 512.

Kragen Javier Sitaker wrote this recreation, but T$ is to credit for
the original intro.


import pygame, sys
from Numeric import zeros, subtract, array, arange, where, take, shape, indices

screensize = (320, 200)
ncolors = 256

def colors(masks, levels):
    "Compute a grayscale pixel from bit masks and a floating-point level [0,1)"
    return sum([int(mask * level) & mask for mask, level in zip(masks, levels)])

def clamp(a, b, c):
    "Threshold b between lower limit a and upper limit c."
    d = where(a < b, b, a)
    return where(d < c, d, c)

def redraw(screen, buf, palette, frames):
    x, y = indices(screensize)
    # this 256 is not ncolors; it's a timing/pacing thing
    buf += ((x + frames) & (y + frames)) >> (frames % 256) >> 3
    buf %= ncolors
    pygame.surfarray.blit_array(screen, take(palette, buf))

def main(argv):
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screensize, pygame.FULLSCREEN)

    buf = zeros(screensize)
    fiery_rgb_integers = clamp(0, subtract.outer(arange(ncolors) + ncolors/8,
                                                 ((array([0, 1, 2]) * ncolors)
                                                  / 4)),
                               ncolors / 4)
    masks = screen.get_masks()[:3]
    # I'm not sure this palette is exactly right; it only goes to 63
    # in the original...
    palette = array([colors(masks, levels/float(ncolors/4))
                     for levels in fiery_rgb_integers])

    frames = 0
    while 1:
        ev = pygame.event.poll()
        if ev.type == pygame.NOEVENT:
            frames += 1
            redraw(screen, buf, palette, frames)
        elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: break
        elif ev.type == pygame.QUIT: break

if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)